IDV Prompts!

Feel free to use any of these prompts to draw, write or use for roleplay.
Please credit if you post!
run by Joji

DNI / Blacklisted

basic DNI criteria ;
no proships, no anti-LGBTQAI+, no racism, truscum, neopronoun hate.
if you disagree w/ a post, ignore it. if it is somehow problematic, please DM me.
-blacklisted ;
Wax Artist (Philippe)
Bloody Queen's "Scarlet" skin
Cowboy's "Brave" skin
Cowboy's "King's Tailor" skin
Female Dancer's "Sanskrit" skin
First Officer's "Bobolink" skin
Forward's "Lucky Youngster" skin
Forward's "Rash Youngster" skin
Evil Reptilian's "Mutation" skin
Magician's "Blue Aladdin" skin
Magician's "Platinum Aladdin" skin
Mercenary's "Cursed Pharaoh" skin
Mercenary's "Eagle Dance" skin
Mind's Eye's Season 3 Essence 2 A skin
Priestess's "Misfortune" skin
Prisoner's "Ben-Hur" skin.
Toy Merchant's "Shining Feather" skin
-Emily x Emma/Emil/Kurt | Emma x Kreacher | Emma x Freddy | Hastur x Eli | Kurt/Naib/William x Servais (1) | Aesop x Joseph (1) | Norton x Orpheus | Jack x Any Woman | Jack x Naib | Joker x Violetta | Alva x Luca | Ganji x Edgar/Jose/Joseph/Mary/Vera | ANY SHIP W/ MEMORY, ROBBIE OR YIMA.highlighted because of personal preference (1)more may be added at my discretion

frequently asked questions

Q; "how can I tell if this post was submitted by someone, requested for you to write or just made by you?"
A; if it was made by me, it'll have no comment. if it was submitted, it'll say [[ submission ; name ]]. if it was requested (AU, HC, Musings, etc.) it'll show up as
[[ X request ; name]] to show who requested it.
-Q; "can I submit something?"
A; sure can! just check X first!
-Q; "I submitted something- where is it?"
A; likely in the queue! give it a day or two. if it's not up, you can DM me!
-Q; "I don't like X character / I don't like Y ship! why are you posting it?
A; I tag all characters & ships, so you can easily block the words/phrases!
-Q; "why is Phillipe not allowed to be submitted?"
A; rather not have anything relating to a racist character on my blog, hope you understand.
-Q; "how many submissions do you get daily?"
A; as of 7/16/2022, it seems to be 9 submissions daily & about 4 requests daily!
-Q; "this AU/HC/Musing is problematic! what should I do?"
A; DM me & explain why it's problematic so I can avoid such a post in the future!
-Q; "why is there so much Lucky Guy posts?"
A; I'm The Lucky Guy Enthusiast on Twitter dot com, you must forgive me. I love them so much. if you don't like that, you're welcome to block the phrase "(Lucky Guy)".